Childbirth Education

Class time can be a lot of fun as well as time dedicated for you and your partner to focus on your coming baby. You will meet other parents and might learn things you didn’t even know you had questions about! It has been our experience after years in practice that well-informed, supported moms have the best experience of their labor and birth. We also know that those who do not take classes nor have adequate support do not have statistics that match our well-informed population. Mothers that have not taken a class and/or do not have a doula are more likely to be ill-prepared for labor and to be transported in labor. Just as you feed your body healthy food to create a healthy pregnancy well suited to homebirth, we encourage you to feed your mind to have the best chances of a safe, healthy homebirth.

The Rising Moon Homebirth Preparation Series

While it is not required, you are strongly encouraged to attend this series if you have not previously had an unmedicated, vaginal birth. This series is geared towards first-time parents and first-time homebirthers in or nearing their third trimester. Partners are strongly encouraged to attend.

Topics covered in this series include but are not limited to:

  • the stages and phases of labor
  • proper management of early labor
  • when to call your midwife and what you can expect from her when she arrives at your home
  • how to cope with the intensity of contractions
  • how to prepare for a smooth postpartum